1,861 research outputs found

    Eulalia Gerona de Cabanes pintora : mujeres en el academicismo ilustrado en España

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    Desde su fundación en 1768 la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos de Valencia admitió mujeres artistas entre sus miembros nombrándolas académicas, a pesar de que el acceso a la educación artística oficial les fue vedado. Quizá su filiación aristocrática les valió el nombramiento en unas instituciones que buscaban un mayor prestigio social. Eulalia Gerona supone un caso singular por sus relaciones con varias de las academias. Desde 1802 fue Académica de Mérito de San Carlos de Valencia en la clase de Pintura. En 1803 presentó en Barcelona una obra para la Exposición abierta por la Junta de Comercio. Obtuvo el título de individuo de Mérito en 1819 en la Academia de Nobles Artes de San Fernando con una pintura que había expuesto en Madrid el año anterior. Sus obras, como las de tantos otros artistas, se perdieron o se encuentran entre los anónimos de museos y colecciones privadas. From its foundation in 1768, the San Carlos Royal Academy of Fine Arts admitted women artists as members, referring to them as them academicians, despite their being denied access to official art education. Perhaps aristocratic descent was valued in their nomination to some institutions that were looking for greater social prestige. The case of Eulalia Gerona is singular in that she had relationships with several of the academies. In 1802 she was made Academic of Merit in the Painting class at San Carlos of Valencia. In 1803 she presented a work in Barcelona for the Exhibition opened by the Junta de Comercio. She was awarded the title of Merit in 1819 in the San Fernando Fine Arts Academy for a painting she had exhibited in Madrid the previous year. Her works, like those of so many other artists, were lost or are found in the"anonymous" sections in museums and private collections

    Reflexiones en torno a imágenes con desnudo infantil : análisis fotográfico de Klara and Edda Belly Dancing

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    Klara and Edda Belly Dancing es una fotografía tomada en Berlín por la artista Nan Goldin en 1998. Forma parte de la serie De aquí a la maternidad, incluida en la exposición retrospectiva El Patio del Diablo, cuyas fotografías fueron publicadas en 2003 por Phaidon en un libro con el mismo título que recoge imágenes inéditas de sus series fotográficas. La imagen muestra a dos niñas jugando en una cocina, una de ellas, de unos seis años, medio vestida con un pañuelo transparente anudado a la cintura, está de pie en el centro de la imagen, mientras la otra, de menor edad, a sus pies está desnuda en el suelo; con su improvisado disfraz bailan la danza del vientre. Una imagen cuya exposición fue prohibida suscitando la polémica sobre la presencia del desnudo infantil en el arte. Klara and Edda Belly Dancing is a picture taken in Berlin by the artist Nan Goldin in 1998. It"s part of the series From Here to the Maternity, included in the retrospective exhibition Devils Playground, whose pictures were published in 2003 by Phaidon in a book with the same title which includes unpublished images from her photographic series. The picture shows two girls playing in a kitchen, one of them, about six years, is wearing a transparent scarf tied around the waist. She stands up at the center of the image, while other one, younger, is under her foots naked on the floor. With her improvised fancy dress they belly dances. It exhibition has been forbidden and raises controversy over the presence of child nude in art

    Buenas prácticas de innovación docente en la Universidad de Córdoba

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    La iniciativa expone la adaptación y el cambio de temario de la asignatura Contaminación Atmosférica de quinto curso de la licenciatura de Ciencias Ambientales al tercer curso del grado del mismo nombre, siguiendo los criterios del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superio

    Una aproximación a la conciencia lingüística de los profesores CLIL usando el Language Triptych

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    CLIL teacher training is one of the main challenging concerns of both CLIL theorists and practitioners. This paper aims to contribute to the field by providing an example of a needs analysis for CLIL teacher training regarding linguistic requirements of teaching content subjects through English. The theoretical framework underlying this proposal is the Language Triptych (Coyle et al., 2010) and the dichotomy BICS/CALP (Cummins, 1984). Open questionnaires were administered to six teachers involved in a bilingual degree at Universidad de Valladolid. Data were also gathered from informal interviews. The references to linguistic issues present in their responses are classified according to the three elements of the Language Triptych (language of /for/ through learning) or the BICS/CALP distinction. Teachers show some basic language awareness which can be perceived in their reflections. The paper concludes with a proposal of linguistic contents which, according to the data analysed, seem to be appropriate for language upskilling of those who are considering commencing CLIL.La formación del Profesorado para CLIL es una de los mayores retos a los que se enfrentan la teoría y la práctica CLIL. Este trabajo intenta contribuir a este ámbito por medio de un ejemplo de análisis de necesidades de formación de profesorado en lo que respecta a requisitos lingüísticos para la enseñanza de contenidos en inglés. El marco teórico que subyace en esta propuesta es el Language Triptych (Coyle et al., 2010) y la dicotomía BICS/CALP (Cummins, 1984). Se administraron cuestionarios de preguntas abiertas a seis de los profesores participantes en una titulación bilingüe de la Universidad de Valladolid y se realizaron entrevistas informales. Las referencias a aspectos lingüísticos que aparecen en sus respuestas se clasifican según los tres elementos del Language Triptych (la lengua del /para / a través del aprendizaje) o la distinción BICS /CALP. Los profesores muestran una conciencia lingüística básica que puede percibirse en sus reflexiones. El trabajo concluye con una propuesta de contenidos lingüísticos que, según los datos analizados, parece ser adecuada para una actualización lingüística de los que van a iniciarse en docencia CLIL

    Discourse markers and lecture structure: their role in listening Comprehension and EMI lecturer training

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    Listening comprehension of lectures in L2 contexts is a widely researched topic. Findings have been applied to both materials and course design. This paper focuses on findings about the facilitative role in comprehension of those discourse markers (DM) which signal lecture structure. These markers can also be of assistance in L2 contexts such as new English Medium Instruction (EMI) scenarios, where the lecturer is not a native speaker of English. A small-scale investigation about the presence of these markers in EMI lecturer discourse is presented. Findings indicate that lecturers need a more overt signalling of lecture phases and a wider stylistic variety enabling them to do so. The paper concludes by suggesting that EAP materials for training students in listening comprehension could be a good resource to provide the lecturer with a repertoire of linguistic tools to structure their lecturers and in consequence facilitate comprehension for students

    Features of non-kinship foster care children with birth family contact in Andalusia

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    The aim of the presentation is to describe the personal features of non-kinship foster care children who have visits with their birth family in Málaga, Granada and Jaén (provinces of Andalusia, Spain). This study was funded by the research project Application of a psychoeducational intervention program to improve visits between foster children and their biological families (Reference EDU2016 77094-P). SPSS v.21.0 was used to carry out the descriptive and frequency analysis of socio-demographic information collected by the Child File Summary Form designed for this study. There are 212 non-kinship foster care children who have visits with their birth family. Their mean age is 8.09 years old (SD= 4.73). The more frequent types of foster care are both long-term and short-term placement (30.7%, respectively), followed by specialized long-term foster care (20.3%), urgency placement (10.8%) and specialized short-term foster care (7.5%). The period of time they have been into the Child Protection System is on average 4.08 years (SD= 3.88) and into the current placement is on average 2.53 (SD= 2.95). Thus, 44.8% of foster children were in residential care and 30.2% were in previous foster care. The latter could have been with the current foster care family. Also, 41.0% of foster children were placed at least with one sibling. It is important to know the features of foster children in order to apply the main principle of “the best interests of the child” to the whole decision-making process about the child’s protection and welfare. In our project, these decisions concern foster care placement and birth family contact to maintain and strengthen family affective bonds and child’s identity formation. Our findings contribute to develop: (a) initiatives to improve children’s well-being; (b) support and social resources required by families; and (c) socio-educative tools for the social workers.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Periodismo de catástrofes: el 11 de septiembre. Análisis del suceso y experiencias vividas

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    Esta investigación se divide en dos partes diferenciadas. Una primera dedicada al análisis del periodismo de catástrofes: características y tratamiento, extrapolado a los actos terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2001. En la segunda parte, se cuentan las experiencias vividas, en el centro de Nueva York, de una periodista sevillana que estuvo el mismo día del atentado y cubrió la noticia. En los anexos se incluyen copias de las portadas que publicaron los diarios Abc, El Mundo y El País el día siguiente, así como un reportaje publicado en el Diario de Sevilla, con motivo del primer aniversario del 11-S y una entrevista en exclusiva con el doctor Manuel Trujillo, director de Psiquiatría del Centro Hospitalario Bellevue de Nueva York.This investigation is divided in two parts. One is dedicated to catastrophe journalism analysis: characteristics and treatment related to the September 11th terrorist attacks. The second part narrates the experiences lived by a journalist from Seville covering the news from the centre of NY the day of the attacks. In the attached annexes there are front cover copies for the “Abc”, “El Mundo” and “El País” daily journals the day after the attacks. There is also an article published in “El Diario de Sevilla” to commemorate the first anniversary of the 9-11 attacks and one exclusive interview with Doctor Manuel Trujillo, director of the Mental institute in the Bellevue Hospital Center of New York

    La mancha foliar del madroño ("Arbutus unedo") causada por "Septoria unedosis var. vellanensis"

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    A necrotic leaf spot disease has been severely affecting strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) in Andalucía, southern! Spain, during 1996-1999. Therefore, the aim of the present work was to characterize this disease and its causal agent. Field surveys carried out in five forest areas showed that necrotic leaf spot was widely distributed causing heavy defoliation in severely affected strawberry trees. A total of 19 isolates of a fungus were consistently obtained from the necrotic tissues. Morphological characterization of these isolates led us to identify the fungus as Septoria unedonis Rob. et Desm. var. vellanensis Briosi et Cavara, a mitosporic fungus first reported causing leaf spot on strawberry tree in Italy. Fungal isolates grew well at 5-30°C, with the optimum temperature at 21 °C. The sexual stage of the fungus, identified as Mycosphaerella sp., was found on the fallen leaves under field conditions during the winter. Ascospores discharged from the affected tissues produced colonies of 5. unedonis var. vellanensis, confirming the relationship between both fungal stages. Artificial inoculations of strawberry tree seedlings with several isolates of S. unedonis var. vellanensis demonstrated the pathogenicity of this fungus on strawberry tree.Durante 1996-1999, se observó una mancha foliar que afectaba gravemente a los madroños (Arbutus unedo L.) en varios montes de Andalucía. Por ello, se desarrolló este trabajo cuyo objetivo fue caracterizar la enfermedad y su agente causal. Las observaciones de campo en cinco áreas forestales diferentes indican que la enfermedad está ampliamente distribuida en Andalucía y origina defoliaciones intensas en los madroños severamente afectados. De los tejidos necróticos de las plantas afectadas en campo, se obtuvieron 19 aislados de un hongo que ha sido identificado como Septoria unedonis Rob. et Desm. var. vellanensis Briosi et Cavara. Este hongo fue citado por primera vez como agente de mancha foliar del madroño en Italia. Los aislados del hongo crecieron en PDA a 5-30 °C, con una temperatura óptima de 21 °C. El estado sexual del hongo, identificado como Mycosphaerella sp., se observó en hojas afectadas que habían permanecido en el suelo durante el invierno. Las ascosporas obtenidas mediante descarga de las pseudotecas presentes en los tejidos afectados dieron lugar a colonias de S. unedonis var. vellanensis, confirmando la conexión entre los dos estados del mismo hongo. Las inoculaciones artificiales de plántulas de madroño con aislados de S. unedonis var. vellanensis demostraron la patogenicidad de este hongo sobre madroño